Corporate Services Pte Ltd
UEN: 201626990E Filing Agent No. 20180319
Company Secretary: A company must appoint a qualified company secretary within 6 months of incorporation. The company secretary must also be a natural person and a resident of Singapore.
Registered Address. Each company is required to have a local registered address in Singapore where the company will keep all of its statutory documents.
JV Corporate Services Pte Ltd is a powerful platform with comprehensive services to register and manage your Singapore company. All online - anytime, anywhere.
Our Company Secretary Services Includes:
Preparation of 1st Directors Board of Directors
Free advice on basic Companies’ Act Compliance
Preparing Bank Resolution (Opening Bank Account)
Preparing of minutes for AGM/ EGM*
ACRA – Annual Return
IRAS – Corporate Tax filing deadlines
E-stamping share transfers
submitting resolutions for any company changes
Lodgement of changes in accordance to resolutions passed with ACRA*